If you are seeking more freedom in your spiritual and personal life you will love the fall 2012 class schedule for Transformed Heart Ministries. Come and experience God’s love and reach a new level of intimacy in your relationship with Him.

Transformed Heart is a dicipleship ministry to both men and women that seeks to empower through building a Kingdom mindset in their hearts and minds.  To do this we have two classes, Level One and Level Two.  Each class is six weeks long. The first level lays the foundation of our authority as sons and daughters of the King, understanding covenant,separation of sin and the spirit, bitterness, accusing spirits, and then envy and jealousy.  We then take a break and do the next six weeks and cover topics on rejection, two weeks on the occult, trauma, fear and the unloving spirit.  We prefer the six week model because it really gives people a chance to apply and walk in it for lasting transformation.  Our goal is to live unoffended, live loved, and build the Kingdom of God in our hearts so then we can build it in our marriages, families, and places of infuence.  You can go on our website www.transformedheart.org for more information.  We have been mniistering for over 6 years now, and have seen life transformation , both in newer believers and onces that have been actively walking with the Lord for over 20 years.  All our teachings are from scripture, for only it and with the power of the Holy Spirit, can we have true life transformation. 

 Leading by Discipleship Level 1 (limit 16 people)


The following topics will be covered:

1. Understanding discipleship and the blessings of covenant relationships

2. Strengthening discernment

3. Strengthening your identity in God’s love through exposing satan’s bait of offense and bitterness

4. Conquering these giants once and for all : Fear, Stress and Anxiety!

5. Living loved. Exposing the enemy’s trap of unloving spirits

*Applications online at www.transformedheart.org cost: $150 per person

*Applications due August 15th email georgette7@roadrunner.com


Leading by Discipleship For Couples Level 1 (limit 6 couples)

Taught by Gary & Linda Bretow and Mike & Georgette O’Brien


This class will cover topics such as:

1. What is spiritual warfare? We are God’s trophy but also satan’s target

2. Living in the Kingdom of God now! Not later

3. Walking out of your problems into freedom!!

*Applications online at www.transformedheart.org cost: $175 per person

*Applications due August 15th email georgette7@roadrunner.com


Your class was a wonderful blessing to me and your ministry so powerful.  I
love what you do and will encourage many friends to go and experience it. The last class was definitely the grand finale! Boy, did my heart resonate with your word for me regarding setting people  free. The Spirit gave a big Amen! to that. 


2013 Level 2 Class Schedule:

Leading by Discipleship For Couples Level 2

Friday Nights 7pm-9pm January 18-February 22

Leading by Discipleship Level 2

Wednesday 9am-11am January 23-February 27th

* All classes taught at 4560 Vista De La Tierra Del Mar CA 92014